Where you build your house is just as important as the house itself. We learned that our customers were having trouble finding a land that matches their budget, lifestyle, and size that matches our homes.
The Jibunhouse AI helps you choose a design by matching your interests with one of our houses and also with a land that matches your budget. Then using AR, our customers can see the house on the empty lot in real life right on their mobile.
We extended our service before the house by using data to match our customer’s interest with a physical location with a live preview of the actual house for complete stress free experience.
What strategies did we apply?
Our goal for this project was to create a full eco-system experience using our immersive concepts. Our customer journey now includes using AI to match their interest with a location and house design, pricing out and customizing the house right on their mobile phone, seeing the house in real life using AR, and lastly, decorating the interior with pieces custom-fitted to our homes.