How we define an Immersive Design?
Immersive Experience?
Thank you for visiting out homepage! As you scroll through out many case studies and ideas, a reoccurring concept of “Immersive Experience” is used many times and here we would like to use this article to introduce our definition of what Immersive Experience means.
Design is at the core foundation of all of our work because we believe that a great design creates an emotional bond between our products and our customers. Each experience we build has design aspects that matches with our customer’s lifestyle.
Example: Bianchi Bikes are designed right into our customer’s point of view
For the experience presented above, we created this lifestyle proposal targeted towards a customer who likes biking. Our creative director, led by Manabu Takimoto, designed an Bianchi Road Bike into our immersive experience so that the customer can see exactly how road bikes can integrated into their future home.
Through our customer research process, we find out what our customers are looking for and what kind of lifestyles to present to them so that we can increase the probability for them to make the purchasing decision with us. Each customer is unique and different in so even just one house we need to take the other family members into consideration in addition to just “bikes”
All the design matters: from the aroma sticks on the table, to the bed sheet folds, and the outside view from the window.
In addition to lifestyle, we also design a interior designs, view from the window, and also the feeling of just waking up on a Sunday morning. We found out that presenting customers with an empty room or a space where your suppose to put your bed is not enough for them to feel like they have entered into your world.
Scroll through our many case studies and drop us a line if we can help make any of your projects come to life!